Sunday, April 02, 2006

Leave it to cleavage!

This is going to come out as totally random, but where did all the cleavage come from? I mean, my god! I have never so many girls with their cleavages showing. Every other pizza i've delivered this weekend, i've encountered this. Not that i'm complaining or anything, but it was a bit much after a while. The funny thing is, all these female customers were the same i've delivered to before, and at no previous time have they worn so little up top. Maybe it's because the weather is starting to warm up here in Athens, GA.

Speaking of cleavages, is it just me, or is looking at a girl's cleavage as unavoidable as, say, looking at an oncoming fire truck. You know what it is, you know that it is, yet for some reason, you have to take a peek. You hear the siren- that loud, obnoxious sound that everyone knows corresponds to a fire truck en route to a distress call- but your eyes need the satisfaction of actually acknowledging it with a gaze. That is exactly what looking at a cleavage is like. There's almost nothing sexual about it... most of the time. It can be the ugliest girl in the world, according to you, and you will still take a peek. The girl could've embarassed you in front of everybody with some clever parable about the importance of child safety (what?... where did that come from) and yet, if the opportunity presented itself, you'd still take a peek. There's no circumstance that I can think of that could prevent this from happening.

I think I should do an experiment to prove this. I don't even know what the experiment should be, but when I do, ill be sure to act on it.


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