Friday, December 09, 2005

Soft Thursday

What a crappy ending to an otherwise dull college career. Today was the last day of regular classes, which really didn't mean anything considering there's a full week of exams left. As far as the weather was concerned, it was one of those foul-looking days; freezing rain, chilly temperature, and just plain uncomfortable for anybody's taste. Thursday also marked the busiest day this week for me. Not only did I have a truckload of assignments that I somehow overlooked and needed to complete, I also had to attend four 75-minute classes, that included a group presentation. That wasn't the bad part. Today also was my courtdate for that bullshit of a citation I received some two months back.

So this asshole cop (not even really a cop; he was a UGA cop) pulls me over because I "failed to yield to the pedestrian". Now, I tell this degenerate that I did actually yield to the pedestrians in front of me. He agrees, which was rather confusing considering he already drafted the citation and was just waiting for me to sign. Apperantly, under his unique interpetation of the ordinance, I was supposed to yield to every fucking pedestrian within the city limits!! I mean, the next pedestrian (the one i failed to yield to) was a good twenty feet away, and it made no sense for me to sit around and wait (especially when it wasn't even clear which way the pedestrian was heading towards). So, anyways, I go to court to challenge the ticket, but instead they tell me there was nothing they can do, and although they didn't just come out and say it, they suggested to me that going forward with such a small case was not worth my time, especially considering it was going to take the better part of the afternoon. Now, seeing how I still had two classes to attend, I couldn't possibly afford to sit around all afternoon. So instead, we worked out a deal to where I would plead no contest (what kind of stupid ass plea is that anyways) and have 60 days to pay off the 75 dollar fine. What horseshit that was. Man, I can't wait to become a Governor; id clean house in this town.

After I got done with classes at 6:15 pm (day started at 7 am, which I think is one of my longest school-related days i've had in a good while; i've been pretty slack the last couple of semesters) I went home. Usually, I go home content with the effort (or lack thereof) that I put in. Not so much this week. In the past two days i've turned in two papers, with another due on friday (actually in about 9 hours, yet im here writing a bullshit blog) and all of them are horrible papers. Now, the last paper i've turned in, I got an A-minus, so maybe im overreacting, but I just don't think any of the papers were substantive in any way. They were just plain garbage. Im now just counting on the professor overlooking my poor papers and escape with a half decent grade. But with the way things turned out in court, I highly doubt that.

Countdown to graduation: 8 days


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