Friday, February 18, 2005

I'm offended!!!

Friday is always nice. End of the school week, weekend coming up; it's just one of them days. I took my test this morning, and it went okay I guess. As I was waiting to get on the # 12 bus home (by the way, what a bunch of assholes those transit people are. They slack off way too much on fridays, and I always have to wait like 30 extra minutes just to get on the bus. They are the epitome of tools) I was reading these articles in the red and black and another paper, and I noticed something-- people are easily offended.

Regardless of the situation, it seems that people are quick to use the O word whenever they hear or see something they just so happen to disagree with. Look people, get over yourself okay. Am I the only one that hates the fact that we talk and treat one another as if we were still in grade school? Grow up for god's sake!! This bitchi' and moanin' is not getting us anywhere.

I'll give people the benefit since they aren't aware of what constitutes an offense. It's understandable. It's like anarchy out there. What makes something offensive? Since there's no rule, people freely use the term whenever they disagree with something. So, as a public service to all of you, I have decided to step up to the plate and illustrate some examples where it would be appropriate to use the phrase "I'm offended".

  1. If someone is trying to take your life, that is the most offensive thing someone could do.
  2. If someone physically assaults you for no reason.
  3. If someone harasses you incessantly.
These are the top reasons to be offended. It is of course, not an exhaustive list, but it should give some sort of guideline as to whether or not your particular situation deserves the branding of an "offense".

The particular article that got me pissed off were....well, there were actually two. The first one was about this stupid overblown story about this colage for black history that included some epithets (nigger) that some thought was offensive, despite the fact that it was depicting an historical event that took place at UGA. The thing is that not showing it would be sugar-coating, while placing it there somehow undermines the "diversity" efforts (man, what a bunch of horse-shit that is...i'll talk about this one day). I'm saying it's not that big of a deal, and no one is running around campus calling people "niggers". get over it and move on, simple as that. But for whatever reason, the paper dedicated the entire opionions page for these people that were "offended" by the mere mention of the phrase and....blah blah blah. They talked about how these types of incidents were the reason why there wasn't as diverse a population at UGA as there are at other comporable schools throughout the country. My take is that people that think racially will think so regardless of minority enrollment (so, let's say there are 20 black people at school, and they all hang together.... getting more blacks at the school will just make that one circle bigger, not infiltrate other racial groups. So I ask where's the diversity in that?....(i'll wait until you do the math........... exactly).

The other article talked about this stupid 50 year old tree that was taken down. I'm not going to even attempt to talk about this one, as it is completely absurd. I'll just refer you to one Eric Cartman who says "I hate tree-huggin' hippies". Enough said.
So there... hopefully within months of implementing this plan, the offense rates will decrease and I can one day sit down and read an article written by someone that acts and reacts comporable to their age.

I am heading to work in a couple of hours, so i'm going to try to get some rest before I have to go in. The indian fellas are heading up to the classic city (that's a pretty gay name for a city... how about we change it to something else please?) for India Nite on saturday. I'll be at work of course, so i'll be missing out on the activities of the weekend that will surely involve Taco Bell.


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