Thursday, February 17, 2005

Can't sleep

I should be asleep right now. I can't, so I figure i'd write up on the radio show I did today.

But before I do that, I'd like to return a favor from Mike. He put my Blog website up on his commentary page, and I'll do the same. I guess since i've already bitten his style once, why stop there, right? The way I see things, combining his readership with mine will bring a total of 4 people who read these things, and then there will be nothing to stop us. This is actually how Wal-Mart started.

Anyways, You can get to Michael Mullen's commentary page through this link.

Back to my deceivingly boring Radio story:
Well, I've been with this all-volunteer radio station here at UGA since this past fall, and today I got to co-host a 30-minute show concerning minorities. It went pretty well, considering I had short notice (the person originally scheduled to do the show didn't make it, and they didn't find out up until the last 5 minutes before the show was to go live). So, me being there and meeting the criteria (that of a minority), I filled the void. We really just talked about stuff going on in the news. I brought up the Chris Rock controversy regarding the Oscars .

That took up some of the 30 minutes allotted to the show. We had a couple of calls, one of which made it through. At the time I was discussing why actors are rewarded retroactively for the roles they portray. I brought up the fact that Denzel Washington got an academy award for a movie, although good in its own right, that paled in comparison to Malcom X or other good Denzel movies in the '90's, and the same could be said about countless other times where actors were given their due credit years after they made their best work. Well, the caller simply stated that it was just the way things were (which is not really a comment by the way, it's like telling me the reason why the sun rises and falls is because it's the way things are, asshole!!), and that was that. He did bring up some decent arguments to support his theory, and we got through that.

The remainder of the show we talked about the Grammy's and Ray Charles getting so many awards. Other than that, the show went pretty smoothly, more so than I expected it would. Oh yeah, this guy called some minutes after the show had ended to complain about how he didn't think we knew what we were talking about.

There's actually some truth to what that guy was saying. He was referring to the segment we did talking about likely winners at the Oscars (as it related to Jamie Foxx and Don Chaedle). I said that it was a gimme for Foxx to win it, simply because of the hype, and my co-host said she was rooting for Foxx to win. The problem with this was, as the listener observed so anally, was that neither of us had seen either film and shouldn't have been discussing who should win what.

After that, I tried to work on this PSA i recorded (if I find a way to work the audio system at the station, i'll put a link of the PSA here). Being the impatient person that I am (patience is bullshit, not a virtue), I decided to leave and get home to catch up on some reading and finish up on the 4th disc of season 3 of that mega-hit "24" (i'm sure you'll be able to catch up to me sooner or later kiddo) :).

Well, anyways, my plan to sleep in early so i'd be able to wake up early to complete some tasks is backfiring, the sleeping early part anyways, and i'm sure the rest of that plan will crumble come tomorrow.

So, remember kids, don't be a failure like me.


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