Monday, February 14, 2005

"24" is beyond awesome

Today's classes went pretty well. I must have gotten up on the right side of bed (whatever the heck that means), because I was pretty rested and was awake for the duration of my 3 morning classes. I did slip up though with something I have been trying to take care of for the last month. My car is in dire need of a brake job. It has been so for the last 4-5 weeks. For whatever reason, something that's not important always gets in the way of completing this task. The real problem is that the mechanic that I take my car to only accepts cars at a certain time. Anytime before 11 a.m. is early enough for him to get throgh it by the business day's end. The problem with that is that I have a class at 11. So, in order to make it to class on time, I must get up extra early and drop it off. That never seems to work, 'cause I always, and I do mean always, manage to find an excuse good enough for me to hit that snooze button. By the way, what a deceiving little device that is. I mean, the whole point of that button is to give you a little bit more time to sleep before you really have to get up. But, I think it just makes it easier for you to not get up. If that option did not exist on my alarm, I probably would wake up on time more often, seeing how missing the first alarm would not be an option.

Anyways, I woke up early enough to get the car taken care of today, but something outside my realm of control impeded that task. It freakin' rained today!! Rain is no good when you have to walk from the car shop to class (which is about a 20 minute walk, with no umbrella). So, I reluctantly (maybe not relunctantly) went back to sleep and moved the appointment to tuesday morning.

Other than that, monday is pretty much a slack day for me. No work and no extra-curricular activities to hold me down. I can pretty much do anything, but never really do anything outside of what I have always done on mondays, at least for the past 2 months, and that is watch some "24" !!!!!

For the past 2 months, I have been wacthing the show "24" (starring Kiefer Sutherland) on DVD. I must say, this is probably one of the better shows that I have come across. As transparent as the climactic endings to each episode might be, the whole concept is pretty well-thought out. I am still on season 3, so I have not been watching the new season. The local video store has this deal on monday where you can get any new release for the low price of 2 bucks; compare that to the 3.70 you'd otherwise have to pay for the same rental. So, every monday, I rent out one-4 episode dvd of the show to watch. Right now, i'm on the third set of 4 episodes (which would be the 9-12 p.m episodes). At this rate, I should be done by spring break.


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