Monday, February 14, 2005

Im pro-anti

Have you noticed that anything can be turned into a positive? Regardless of what it is, people can justify their position by simply prefixing their position with a pro-. For example, if i was against abortion, i wouldn't say im anti-abortion; that would sound negative (and nobody likes negative people). Instead, you can romanticize your position by saying that you are for something, like life, and everything would be alright. "Hey, look at him, he's so caring, he's pro-life. awww." The same thing can be said about pro-choice people. In truth, they aren't pro-choice; that is too broad a stance. They are against something. If you for the right to abort, you are also conversley against the life being aborted. In short, you are anti-life. I think people would be better suited if they just stated what they are against, rather than spinning it into something they are for.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things that one can be for. I myself am for The Indianapolis Colts (which will win next year's superbowl). This is because there is no one distinct team that will be denied from getting a superbowl; there will be 31 others. Therefore, any position that has a distinct counter-force, the emphasis must be placed on the opposing force, and not the other way around.


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