Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Planning is so overrated

If you have been around me in the last few months, you are pretty much aware of my overrated rants. Basically, in the middle of any conversation, I always tend to find one thing that is overrated. I think most things are more overstated than overrated, but overrated has a more dramatic element to it that I often prefer to use it. Well, the reason I bring this up is because I stumbled on to something that is very overrated, planning.

Today I planned to do accomplish certain tasks;
1. Get a haircut
2. Fix the car
3. Clean the car
4. Study for friday's exam
5. Go to the radio station for talkblock

Well, if this were a test, I'd be failing right now. My hair is still long, the car is still dirty and broken, and I have to look over the notes for friday's exam. the only thing left is to go to the radio station, and I should manage to get that done only because it is not really a hassle to do so.

I know that the reason why these tasks haven't been accomplished are because I failed to do anything about them, which is exactly my point. I think getting the task done should be stressed over planning your day out. What's the point of planning without any follow through. I think planning is useful once you are on your way to getting something done, like being on the road on your way to your first task. Then you can organize your actions into something efficient. But planning the day or week before is besides the point and is a waste of time, to me anyways.

Well, that's pretty much it for today. I'm expecting a letter from howard (clarkston people know what im talking about) and I should start posting the letters up on days that I don't have much to say.


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