Wednesday, November 09, 2005

No man is an island?

Well, as predicted, the Indianapolis Colts stomped on them Patriots the other day. It was a nice change to see the game play out as it should have all this time. I think I had like two exams the next day, but I was so looking forward to the game that I just kind of went without studying for the exams. I stayed up after the game to catch up on some of the major points of the two classes. I don't know how I did on either exam yet, but I doubt that it will affect the overall landscape of what I hope to get out of each class.

Anyways, after the two tests, I kind of went home to sleep (I was up for like a day and a half, so sleep was looking very good at the time). The next day, I was sifting through my emails, missed calls, and facebook messages. It got me to thinking, how is my brilliant plan coming along?

What plan you might ask? well, a while ago, I kind of subconsciously moved towards the theory of individualism. I've always hated cliques and indecisive group outings. Don't get me wrong, every now and then i'll get along with a group of people and we'll go do something. Im into that. Im not into hanging out with a group on a daily basis. So, about a couple of years ago, I kind of avoided going to many events and just kind of became a homebody. It's been coming along rather well, but now that I look back at it, I might have been doing it to avoid things that were totally unrelated to what my intentions originally were.

I think im against other people having undue influence over me. Im very into making my own decisions and avoiding alot of things that usually surface during group activities. But the more I think of it, the more I realize that im very resistant to change, no matter who I hang out with. Im pretty much a square when it comes to things, so I don't think social outings are going to affect my system in any way.

But then again, maybe it's because I hate interacting with certain people.


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