Monday, December 19, 2005

How about them Colts! / King Kong's 'uncomfortable' moments

So it's all over. The quest for a perfection. The quest to become the only team to win 19 games in a season. All of that is no longer possible after the loss on Sunday to San Diego. Here's the thing: it doesn't matter. The only thing the Colts need to do is tune-up their offensive line enough so to protect Peyton and to allow Edgerrin to have an impact in the game. I mean, they were just being destroyed up front. If they get that fixed, they should be good to go come January. Nobody should ever be glad to lose, but I am glad that some of the team's weaknesses were shown. That way, they can correct their mistake on sunday, which is much more acceptable than them winning all 16 games and then lose to the Patriots. That would be a nightmare. I guess we'll see how it all plays out come January.

After the game, I went to go see the movie "king kong". I've seen the original, and thought it to be an okay movie. I didn't understand why it needed to be remade for a third time. I think everybody watched it the first two times.

The movie is over 3 hours long, which is usually a good enough reason for me to not watch. But since it was free, I decided to go ahead and watch it. For the first hour and a half, I went to sleep. I don't think I missed much, because when I came to, nothing actually happened yet. I guess they were developing the story at the beginning. Either way, the movie was still too long.

The movie in general wasn't bad. It looks like the directer and company spent a lot of time making this movie. The special effects were at times overwheliming, but overall they fused into the story rather well.

My problem with the movie concerns the whole "connection" that exists between kong and anne (naomi watts' character). Throughout the whole movie, there these awkward romantic scenes between a human and a freaking ape. What's that about? I know, i know, he saved her from all those creatures in the island, and i know that she wasn't really accepted back in New York, but come on. They could've done without all that, especially the sunset scenes and the ice skating scene. Just freaking ridiculous.

Aside from that, I thought the movie was alright. It's not my sort of movie, but what can you do. Now that im out of school, im going to start watching more movies in the theater. The movie that i've wanted to see this entire time is Syriana. I am going to make it a point to watch it before this week is thru.


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