Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Nazis Did It!

Man, it's been a long time since I posted something online. It's not like I was busy doing other things. My workload is less now than before. Yet here we are. Anyways, it's March and my job search is coming along rather slowly. Some might even say that it's not coming along at all. But, what do they know, right? But, I digress.

The reason why I write this post is because of the anti-nazi sentiment that is going around. Yeah, you heard me, anti-nazi sentiment! Now, before you call the Committee of UnAmerican Activities on your speed-dial, give me a moment to explain.

Everybody agrees that the nazis were not very good. In fact, they were a terrible regime that caused world war 2, not to mention the millions of people who died in their "camps". That's not what im arguing. What im arguing is the stigma that is associated with anything that the nazis did.

For instance, whenever someone mentions anything relating to that era (i.e. eugenics, alternative sources of energy for combat planes, etc.) it is always turned down. It doesn't even matter if the actual topic at hand is indeed a good idea for whatever problem. The only thing someone on the opposing side of the argument has to do is simply say "well, the nazis did it.... are you a nazi supporter?". Before the sentence is completed, the argument is lost.

Im just glad that a really important scientific breakthrough did not come about from the nazi regime, or else alot more people would be dead via this anti-nazi sentiment. Can you imagine what would've happened if the nazis cured cancer or AIDS? I bet you 31% of my future earnings that if that had happened, the rest of the world (especially the allies from WWII) would classify cancer-curing or AIDS-curing pills a controlled substance. You think this sounds crazy, but I wouldn't put it past the realm of possibility.

And to think, the only thing that has come away from the nazis unscathed is the whole "blue eye, blond hair" look that was the cornerstone of the "we're more superior than thou" attitude. How about them apples!!


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