Saturday, November 26, 2005

Buy Nothing Day?

I'm just going to come out and say it: This is going to be one the toughest weeks leading up to my graduation. Apparently procrastination and laziness has repercussions that are, to say the least, unfavorable. Coming up this week, I have to turn in a 5-7 page paper that requires me to read a book I have yet to purchase. I have a group presentation on Tuesday, and by all accounts that should be the least of my worries. I have another paper to write; problem is, I don't know the topic nor the due date. For all I know, it could have already been due [that would suck big time, considering it's 35 percent of my grade]. I have these outstanding bills that I need to take care of.... man, I hate these type of weeks.

Anyways, this upcoming week and finals' week are the last two hurdles left before my ultimate goal: retirement!

This week is one of those that takes its toll on my Geo Prizm. In this week alone, I will work three 11-hour shifts of driving, make three roundrips to snellville, and one trip to atlanta for the UGA-GT game at Bobby Dodd stadium. I don't know how many miles it will end up being, but it should be interesting.

But the reason why im making this post has nothing to do with my shitty week or my endless driving. My beef today is with what many consider to be the 'biggest shopping day of the year'.

Okay, here's what im thinking. If people are shooting other people for money, and robbing 70-year old women for a new XBox 360 all because of a contrived sales bonanza, then maybe it's not such a hot idea. For the past couple of weeks, I have wanted to purchase a digital camera. This really stems from a conversation I had with one of my so-called peeps. As it turns out, I don't have any pictures of myself or anyone for that matter. So, umm... I was like 'hey, why don't I get me one of them thingies that shoots at people and then holds them still.... a camera!'. So, that was that. The next logical step was be to shop around online to get the best for the least. My roommate already has a camera and he seems to be into this sort of stuff, and he recommended a canon powershot A80. I was eyeing the A85 version, but either way, I was planning on getting it online.

Well, here's the thing, the day after thanksgiving was coming up, and there supposedly are cheaper cameras. So I waited. The night before, I go to one of my friends' house for this get-together he planned. I was planning on going home afterwards, get some sleep, and then head off to the stores to catch the earlybird specials. Well, that didn't happen. This freaking game of poker, man, what a bore! Don't get me wrong, I like poker, but the shit takes way too long. By the time I was eliminated [it was a choice between staying in or playing madden, so i just went all in so i could play] it was already 3 am. At 4:30 we headed out to get some cameras. well, it turns out that they ran out of all the cameras they were showcasing on their advertisements before the store technically even opened! The rest of the stuff weren't on sale, or were out of my price range. By the time we got out of there at 7:30, I ended up with nothing.

So, the moral of the story is this: day after thanksgiving should be spent either at the gym or on the stool, not freezing your balls off in the middle of the morning to save a few bucks. At least that's what i'll be doing from hereon out. In fact, from this point on, I will make it a point to never buy a thing throughout the entire day during this asinine shopping holiday.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Moment in time

So im talking to a friend of mine recently (probably going to end being my only seeing how i've been avoiding/missing people's calls lately) and we got to talking. I've noticed that alot of people are into photos. No matter the occassion, someone always has a camera, a digital camera, to document whatever is going on. These pictures come in handy when you're reminiscing about something trivial later on, or it could be used on your facebook profile or, say, your skype profile. Well, here's the thing. I don't have any pictures of myself. Never have. It is kind of a family tradition. We've never really been into taking pictures of things, simply because we were too busy moving to another freaking country.

It's interesting that I don't have any pictures of me when I was a baby, but then again all babies look the same, so I can have pictures of a "baby-double" to fill that void. Anyways, now that i'm older, I wonder why i've never picked up on the photo frenzy.

Well, seeing how I don't have a good reason as tho why not, im going to buy me one of these things in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, i'll get it before my graduation so I could put it to good use right of the bat. Im thinking of getting a canon. we'll see how it works out.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

No man is an island?

Well, as predicted, the Indianapolis Colts stomped on them Patriots the other day. It was a nice change to see the game play out as it should have all this time. I think I had like two exams the next day, but I was so looking forward to the game that I just kind of went without studying for the exams. I stayed up after the game to catch up on some of the major points of the two classes. I don't know how I did on either exam yet, but I doubt that it will affect the overall landscape of what I hope to get out of each class.

Anyways, after the two tests, I kind of went home to sleep (I was up for like a day and a half, so sleep was looking very good at the time). The next day, I was sifting through my emails, missed calls, and facebook messages. It got me to thinking, how is my brilliant plan coming along?

What plan you might ask? well, a while ago, I kind of subconsciously moved towards the theory of individualism. I've always hated cliques and indecisive group outings. Don't get me wrong, every now and then i'll get along with a group of people and we'll go do something. Im into that. Im not into hanging out with a group on a daily basis. So, about a couple of years ago, I kind of avoided going to many events and just kind of became a homebody. It's been coming along rather well, but now that I look back at it, I might have been doing it to avoid things that were totally unrelated to what my intentions originally were.

I think im against other people having undue influence over me. Im very into making my own decisions and avoiding alot of things that usually surface during group activities. But the more I think of it, the more I realize that im very resistant to change, no matter who I hang out with. Im pretty much a square when it comes to things, so I don't think social outings are going to affect my system in any way.

But then again, maybe it's because I hate interacting with certain people.