Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The state of things

Well it's finally thanksgiving again. This is the holiday that I always thought of as being the secular version of christmas. I mean, if it werent for the religious overtones of christmas, thanksgiving would be the number one holiday in this country. Having said that, I don't really see the big deal with holidays in the first place. I was talking to a co-worker earlier tonight and she asked me what I was planning on doing for thanksgiving. I replied 'working'. She looked at me as if it was unheard of to work on "holiday". I personally don't celebrate holidays because it takes away from the rest of the days in the year. I don't believe in high-days and low-days; just days. I take it that for every good planned day, there will be a bad unplanned day. So why mess with the cycle. Also, holidays allows for people to not visit their family and friends for the whole year, and use the holiday to make up for it. I say, if you want to visit someone, visit them. If not, don't come up with reasons why, and just get on with it.

This week, like the previous 8 weeks, was very unproductive. I don't know when this started but I seem to be on this 'lazy' trend that I can't seem to get off of. I know what needs to be done yet I always try to come up with reasons why I shouldn't do those things, and then complain afterwards for not doing it.

It has been 8 months now, and I have yet to reply to Howard's letter. In case you don't know, Howard is a friend of mine that got into some legal trouble three years ago. Suffice to say that it wasn't a high-point in his life and currently he is in his fourth of 9 years in prison. Well, for these past three years, I have kept up with Howard by writing and he has been doing well considering the circumstances. I just think that it is silly of me to take 8 months to reply to someone that replies back within weeks to me. If it takes him 3 weeks to write back, that's how long it should take me, regardless of anything.

Finally, this thursday, the Indianapolis Colts will play the Detroit Lions in a thanksgiving day special game. This is one of those weird weeks, where the two teams only have 4 days rest instead of the usual 6. At least both teams are on the same boat, so it should be a good game. It's a damn shame that I volunteered to work that day. ugh... ah well, I will tape it and watch it afterwards. Should be a very productive day for the offense, which is not surprising. What I will be looking for, however, will be whether the defense will show up as it has been for the past couple of weeks. Im telling you now, if the defense maintains its current level, the Colts will win the SuperBowl, guaranteed. If they don't, well maybe next season, 'cause there's no way they are winning with that god-awful defense.

Anyays, here's my schedule for this week, which will mostly be working.

Tuesday - work 5:30 p.m.-3:30 a.m.
Wednesday - fix car antenna 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. work 6:00 p.m. - 3:30 a.m.
"Turkey Day" - work 11:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday - early shopping 7 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. work 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday - OFF !!! [maybe go to the GA v. GaTech game @ 3:30]
Sunday - work 6:45 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.

Also, I have two HUGE papers due next week, so I will try to gather all the pertinent information that I need to draft up these two-10-15 page essays. I guess ill comment on how productive I was during the holiday break.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Terrorism Vs. War

I know this may sound odd, but am I the only one that does not see a difference between war and terrorism? I mean, there are good and bad 'wars', and most people view 'terrorism' as bad. That's not what im arguing. The objective of both (war and terrorism) is to encroach on the enemy's safety, enough so to where they would surrender so you could achieve whatever objective you set out. So, as evil as some guy that blows himself up along with a bunch of innocent people may seem, to me it just seems as if its a matter of resources that causes a distinction, and wealthier militaries have the resources to accomplish their goals without resorting to suicide bombings, while the factional warlords do not. So you cant justify war because of its formality (rules of engagement), war is terrorism, no matter how good the objective, and terrorism is war, no matter the evil behind it.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Party-line "flip-flopping"?

I don't know if anyone remembers the "contract with america" that the Republican party came up with 10 years ago. This came after a number of Democrats were caught in some ethical violations for some years preceeding the '94 mid-term elections. The Republicans came up with the "moral" argument, and said that Democrats became corrupted with power, and promised they wouldn't do the same. Well, now, 10 years later, with Republicans in control, its deja-vu all over again as house Maj. leader Tom Delay is caught in this big scandal. Instead of following the 'ethical' guidelines set by the House of Reps. the party in control (R), changed the rules today so their guy wouldn't have to abide by rules. Goes to show you, most politicians are all the same, and those who talk about morals are just pretentious tools.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Just a random thought

For all intents and purposes, your birthday is your highest point, and your deathday your lowest; the period in-between varies within those two points. I just think it is interesting that your best moment is behind you, while your death, since i have yet to hear anyone escape it, is looming in front of you. Just a thought. :-P